Marionnettes (PS/MS)

Publié le 31 Décembre 2011


Dans le cadre du festival mondial des marionnettes, on a fait des silhouettes (peinture tamponnée à l'éponge) de la couleur des groupes, arrangées sur le mur avec des "bâtons de bois".
Merci à crisca pour cette réalisation.
Commenter cet article
Whoever made this, had got a lot of artistic sense. I've been impressed to a greater extent, as the thing is very adorable. Thanks for the share.
It was so nice of you to share about the World festival of Puppets. I think it is really a great achievement from Crisca. May be a photo of her could have been posted in order to get to know her. I think it looks wonderful to silhouettes arranged on the wall with wooden sticks.